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Logbook & General servicing and repairs to all makes & models, petrol & diesel, cars 4x4’s & ligh trucks.
On car fuel system & intake cleaning for both petrol & diesel & on car DPF cleaning.
New tyres fitted & balanced, wheel alignments in house.
Off car brake disc machining in house
Diagnostics & associated repairs

Address: 1/26 Kayleigh Drive
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:00-15:00
Car service, repair and inspection in Sydney's CBD. Located on Level 6 of the WorldSquare Shopping Car Park. All makes and models, air conditioning, child seats, blue and pink slips.

Address: 680 George Street
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:00-17:00
With over 20years of experience, we have all the latest workshop & diagnostic equipment to service and repair your vehicle. Log book & regular service, we can also maintain your new car warranty. Focusing on customer service and needs we can service your car the way you want. Nation Wide Warranty on all work completed.

Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:00-17:00
Certified Automotive can come to your home or workplace and carry out repairs on your car. Our tradesmen are highly experienced, licensed and insured. We have a fully equipped mobile workshop that we bring to you.

Address: 14 Alawara dr
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 07:00-18:00

Searching results for Ferrari Tyres and Wheels:
Looking for Ferrari Tyre replacement? We hope you will find the best workshops and mechanics around on CarPlaza.