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Logbook & General servicing and repairs to all makes & models, petrol & diesel, cars 4x4’s & ligh trucks.
On car fuel system & intake cleaning for both petrol & diesel & on car DPF cleaning.
New tyres fitted & balanced, wheel alignments in house.
Off car brake disc machining in house
Diagnostics & associated repairs

Address: 1/26 Kayleigh Drive
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:00-15:00
Car, Caravan, RV'S & 4x4 servicing & repairs
Warranty repairs for: NewAge, Supreme, Titanium, Leader, Roadstar, SunSeeker, Retreat etc etc
Sales service & warranty for WEBASTO Cooking, Heating products

Address: 14 John Street
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:00-17:00
Mobile Bumper Bar, Panel and Paint Repairs.
Chips, Dents and Dings repaired the affordable way.
Servicing the Sunshine Coast, Queensland(excluding the Noosa & Gympie areas).

Address: Sunshine Coast
Opening Hours: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Today: 08:30-17:30

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